Schedule Workshop
Workshops conducted in
Schedule Workshop
Dr Aslam
AIET Managluru
The way you are maintaining the audience attention is great! Explaining the topics with a storyline makes the audience to involved a lot and you rock! I got insights about BCP and DR and how important it is. All the best.
KLE College Dharwad
We know only to create email but today We/I got different idea about how the possibility in any risk or mistakes to correct the mistakes with our own identification/understanding. Very interesting session to our personal also our higher studies to up coming cyber security ideas. Thank you Adeptic.
BMS College, Bengaluru
Great course really brilliant thank you very much informative. I have actually got a cyber incident response. I think were a lot good thought-provoking points raises I think apart from automation the ongoing theme is challenge your if and being on the receiving end of that challenge means that we can be defensive. Thank you.